
Supply Chain Managers must prepare for new mandatory EU rules on Human Rights Due Diligence

Our research team follows the progress North American and European regulators are making to require companies to monitor their supply chains for violations of human rights and environmental regulations. The United States led the way with the Dodd–Frank Act in 2010 The EU will have legislation by 2021 Businesses can prepare by embracing digital tools […]

In kaart gebracht: de Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid

Op 14 mei 2019 heeft de Eerste Kamer het initiatiefvoorstel Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid van PvdA Tweede Kamerlid Attje Kuiken aangenomen. Met deze wet is de eerste Nederlandse wetgeving op het gebied van Business and Human Rights een feit. In dit blog bespreken we wat Business and Human Rights is en nemen we deze nieuwe wet […]

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